Wednesday, September 30, 2015

3A.3 Irregular Preterit

  • Use the irregular preterit to discuss errands and events done in the past
  1. Warm Up: Irregular Preterit Video
  2. Homework Review
  3. WAVA Listening activity
  4. Irregular Preterit Practice
    1. Avalanche game
  5. Memoria with the preterite
  6. Communicative Activity 3A-2
  1. Grammar Packet due on Monday 10/5
  2. 3A Grammar Quiz on Monday 10/5

3A.2 Direct Object Pronouns

  • Use direct object pronouns to discuss different errands and activities.
  1. Warm-up: Errand pictures
  2. Note discussion and video on Direct Object Pronouns
  3. Speaking practice
    1. Paired practice on objects
    2. Paired practice on people (conversational)
  4. Whiteboard game for Vocab and Grammar practice
  1. Core Practice pg 3A-5, 6, 7

Monday, September 28, 2015

3A.1 New Vocabulary


  • Use new vocabulary to talk about errands (mandados).


  1. Warm Up: Vocab fill in the blanks
  2. Listening Vocab Practice activities 1 and 2
  3. Videohistoria
  4. Whiteboard game (Vocab practice)
    1. Also do Activities 4 and 5 of textbook
  5. 3A-1 Communicative Activity


  1. Direct Object Pronoun notes (Link in yesterday's agenda).

Sunday, September 27, 2015

2B Unit Test

  • Exam
  1. Unit Test
    1. Includes speaking portion
  1. Copy 3A vocab list into notebooks and study it.
  2. Core Practice pg 3A-1, 2, 3 due tomorrow (9/29)
  3. Watch this video (Link) and take notes for Wednesday 9/30

Friday, September 25, 2015


  • Review for Unit Exam
  1. Warm Up: Reflexives in the Preterit
  2. Speaking Practice:Reflexives
  3. Listening Activity: Demonstratives
  4. Whiteboard Review Game

  1. Study for grammar Test on Monday
  2. Test Ouline

Monday, September 21, 2015

2B.3 Review Reflexives

  • Review reflexive verbs to use to speak about getting ready for school
  1. Warm-UP: Grammactiva and Activity 9
  2. Review Reflexive quiz
  3. Paired speaking activity
  4. Individual work
    1. Reflexive packets
    2. Writing assignment
  1. Writing assignment: You are to write about how you and your family gets ready in the morning for the day. You must:
    1. Use reflexive verbs from the 2A vocab list
    2. Use the 2A vocab list
    3. Include some comparisons using "Tan...Como" and "Tanto.....Como" phrases.
    4. Must be at least 6 sentences long
    5. Spelling counts!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2015


  • Use new vocabulary and the preterit tense to discuss clothing that was purchased in the past.
  1. Warm-Up: Weekend question
  2. Review Homework
  3. Preterit Practice Activities
    1. Activities 13-15
  4. Videohistoria
    1. Vocab Activities 4 and 5
  1. Study 2B vocabulary

Thursday, September 17, 2015

2B.1 New Vocabulary and the Preterite


  • Use new vocabulary and the preterite tense to discuss clothing that was purchased in the past.

  1. Warm-Up: Preterite Tense Questions
  2. Group Skit writing
  3. Practice Activities
    1. Listening
    2. Reading
    3. Writing/Speaking
  4. Kahoot practice
  1. Study 2B vocabulary
  2. Core Practice Pg 2B-1, 2, and 5

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

2A.5 Grammar Quiz/ Culture


  • Grammar Quiz
  • Discuss el Teatro Colon and its programs

  1. Warm Up: Act 22
  2. Listening Practice
    1. Act 21 Textbook
  3. Grammar Quiz
    1. Go over quiz
  4. Adelante
    1. Watch video/PPT on theaters
    2. Read Pg 90-91
    3. Answer Questions on Pg 91
  1. Study 2B Vocabulary List
  2. Take notes from "The Preterite" PPT linked in the unit outline.
    1. Show me vocab list and notes tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

2A.4 Grammar Review and Possessives


  • Use long form possessives and ser/estar to state what different items look like, where they are, and who they belong to.


  1. Warm Up: Short form possessives
  2. Possessive notes (Link for PPT)
  3. Possessive practice
    1. Paired speaking/writing Communicative Act 2A-2
    2. Listening practice WAVA act. 9
  4. Ser vs Estar review
    1. Speaking/Reading/Writing Activities 19-21
  5. Grammar Speaking Practice
    1. Situation Cards


  1. Core Practice Pg 6A-7
  2. Study for Quiz Grammar tomorrow

Monday, September 14, 2015

2A.3 Ser vs Estar

  • Use Ser and Estar to describe people and things in a bedroom
  • Vocab and Reflexive Quiz
  1. Warm Up: Reflexive Q's
  2. Review: Reflexives
    1. Finish worksheet
  3. Ser vs Estar
    1. Notes and practice activities
    2. Speaking/Writing activity
  1. Watch Ser VS Estar video (Link)
    1. Take notes
    2. Work on Core Practice 2A-6 for 9/16/15 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

2A.2 Review Reflexives


  • Use reflexives and the vocabulary to describe how you get ready for different events/the day


  1. Warm up: Morning routine
  2. Review Notes (PPT Video)
  3. Individual practice
    1. Worksheet reading and writing activities
  4. Paired Practice
    1. Speaking activity: What do you do in the morning


    1. Workbook Core Practice 2A-1, 2A-2, 2A-3, 2A-5 Due on 9/15/15
    2. Quiz on 2A Vocabulary and Reflexive verbs on 9/15/15
    3. Watch Ser VS Estar video
      1. Take notes
      2. Work on Core Practice 2A-6 for 9/16/15

    Wednesday, September 9, 2015

    2A.1 New Vocabulary


    • List things done to prepare for the day

    1. Warm Up: Special Events
    2. Grammar Quiz
    3. Vocabulary Listening
      1. Activities 1 and 2
    4. Writing/Speaking
      1. Activities 4 and 5
    5. Relfexive verbs
      1. Powerpoint

    1. Workbook Core Practice 2A-1, 2A-2, 2A-3, 2A-5 Due on 9/15/15
    2. Study 2A vocabulary list

    Tuesday, September 8, 2015

    1B.7 Grammar Quiz


    • Discuss school information
    1. Warm Up: Morning Questions
    2. Presentations
      1. Present projects
    3. Grammar Quiz
    1. Copy 2A Vocab list into your notebooks and study it
    2. Schedule time to finish presentations

    1B.6 Presentations

    • Discuss school information
    1. Warm Up: Weekend Questions
    2. Presentations
      1. Present projects
    3. Reading Activity
      1. Adelante Text Book reading
    1. Grammar Quiz Tomorrow
    2. Copy 2A Vocab list into your notebooks and study it

    Thursday, September 3, 2015



    • Practice and use 1B Grammar in conversational activities
    1. Warm Up: Socrative
    2. Listening Practice
      1. WAVA Activity 8
    3. Writing Practice
      1. Activity 16, step 2
    4. Speaking Practice
      1. Situation cards
      2. OPI Practice interviews
    5. Reading Practice
      1. Adelante reading
    1. Finish reading activity
    2. Grammar Quiz 9/9
    3. Guia de Escuela project due night of 9/7

    Wednesday, September 2, 2015

    1B.4 New Grammar

    • Use Saber and Conocer to discuss different information about different after school activities
    • Make comparisons of different after school Activities

    1. Warm Up: Hacer Time expression Q's
    2. Saber and Conocer
      1. Textbook Activities 16 and 17
      2. WAVA Listening Activity 8
    3. Comparisons
      1. Activities 10 and 11
      2. Poster Partner activity
    4. Situation Cards
      1. Paired conversation practice
    1. Recomended to have Guia de Escuela project done at step 3
    2. 1B Grammar Quiz 9/8
    3. Unit 1 Project Presentation

    Tuesday, September 1, 2015

    1B.3 Saber and Conocer and comparisons

    • Work on school projects

    1. Warm Up: Activity 9
      1. Review Quizzes
    2. Computer Lab 316
      1. Work on projects
    1. Grammar Quiz Tuesday 9/8